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The Parent Capacity Program
0 - 3 MONTHS ZOOM CLASSIntroducing Good Sleep Habits 0-3 Months Gearing Up For Sleep, Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding, and Sleep tips - this is a Zoom Class; you will learn awareness of sensibility care and the ability to help babies address discomfort. The formation of newborn sleep starts with the caregiver. For the infant to start sleeping well, they must first trust the source. Therefore modeling good behavior as we interact helps the infant stitch information together. Practice visual coordination and eye-tracking Practice tummy time, laying on back, and alone play Explore movement, gravity, and cause & effect. What you will learn Educational play for babies is essential from ages 0-3; we cannot talk about sleep and not about play. It is all discovery, not performance. SIGN UP HERE - next class coming soon Total Cost for parents that want a weekly live consultation. Bi-Weekly Cost - $250
4 - 14 MONTH ZOOM CLASSEarly Infant Developmental Movement & Sleep Preparedness Stretching Those Naps Times 4 -14 Months & Sleeping Through The Night Children's hands are their best toys for exploring and learning. We must practice laying a solid foundation to gain control and mastery of new skills. Strengthening core muscles helps build memory through repetition- Engaging in sensory play encourages happy and independent sleepers. If you are still struggling with sleep, this class is for you. The class will teach early Infant sleep expectations up to 13 months - Early sleep call signs and intervention- when to take measures to help your child sleep. We will show you how to take notes so you can PUT information to good use for the next 12 months. Build concentration, focus, and curiosity. Establish a strong base for language - learning and monitoring body awareness. Help your child transition from involuntary grabbing to intentional grasping and exploration. Build concentration, focus, and curiosity. What you will learn An Infant’s fragmented sleep talks more about the adult than the child. Why you should curate a child's environment to invite more sleep. How to become better planners with goal-setting skills and controls. SIGN UP HERE - next class coming soon Total Cost for parents that want a weekly live consultation. Bi-Weekly Cost - $250
TODDLER ZOOM CLASSChildren need the freedom to move their bodies and play freely however they desire. They MUST establish trust in themselves first, then others, and later their environment. Re-introducing good sleep habits and body regulation for toddlers. (until age 5). When trust is established, other areas of development easily transition. We are going to dive into what self-directed play looks like. The class will guide you through learning, experimentation, discipline, tantrums, and improving problem-solving skills; Develop early awareness and empathy. Grow your toddler's sense of initiative and determination. Develop early spatial reasoning and improve working memory. What you will learn Learn how to apply an appropriate level of challenge to conquer milestones and encourage perseverance and a problem-solving brain. Don't take growth opportunities from your children. SIGN UP HERE - next class coming soon Total Cost for parents that want a weekly live consultation each week. Bi-Weekly Cost - $250
DAD'S ZOOM CLASSHow to stay curious with your newborn/child 0-5 years. Are you looking to connect more with your Newborn/child? Do you feel you need a "Tune-Up" parenting tool? Do you stumble on the process? Forget to use them in the heat of the moment? Look for daily tips and parenting questions answered. It is crucial to have your child earn your trust and invite them to express their opinion. Listen, offer choices and suggestions, and help children explore alternatives and solutions. You respect them as a parent and, for that reason, have asked for their help. As a parent, your newborn/child needs to feel your support. Let me show you how? Sends messages of personal worth and strength Models self-care and responsibility Helps child explore alternatives to solve problems Allows child to make own decision (with safety in mind and age-appropriate) Provides "time frames" in which child completes responsibilities Allows child to experience the natural consequence of their choices and actions SIGN UP HERE - next class coming soon Total Cost for parents that want a weekly live consultation each week. Weekly Cost - $65.00
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