"Making the sleep space relaxing and inviting will help ensure that your child has a pleasing sleep experience."
~Grace Koinange~

How can you find the sleep training method that aligns with your parenting style?
Start examining yourself inwardly. Without being too introspective, look at your own parenting goals, and reflect on how you were parented. Whether or not it feels positive or negative, it is the experience you bring to the table.
Silent observation is the secret sauce to early infant sleep. It’s all about doing less, observing more. Letting your newborn learn how to handle a situation better improves self monitoring.

A caregiver’s job is to offer a safe space and be available when invited to play.

Children want to connect with us during care. Having more meaningful associations helps you create respectful and more present interaction.
Establishing clear boundaries for yourself is important.
Whenever you think things are going well with sleep, your newborn develops a new milestone, and, oops, you are back to square one. Newborn sleep is about readiness and consistency; don't rush it.

Newborns are the most authentic humans, and they know what they can and can’t do.

Allowing your newborn to harness their natural curiosity rewires their brains and sends a message of personal worth.
It is not what your newborn is doing during naps or night sleep that's important. It’s what they are doing or not doing during play.
Why is the RIE parenting style so important when talking about sleep?
Reflecting back to when you were a child and remembering your parent’s approach can be powerful and can help you determine how you yourself will parent. Recognizing the times that they fell short, excelled, or did things differently can give you a clear perspective on your own parenting style.

We need more visibility while parenting children. Give yourself grace.

Early prevention and sleep education is available.
Most new parents adapt quickly to what they want to change and think less about what they want to keep. It's frustrating not to understand something so fundamental as parenting.
"Children do no play because they learn; They play because they play"
"Magda Gerber"